Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Inventions on Keyboard Illumination: A TRIZ based analysis

Author: Umakant Mishra

Abstract: The conventional computers are not usable in dark, as the user cannot see the keyboard to operate properly. But there are many situations where the user may like to work on his computer under low light conditions, such as, during nights, while traveling in flights/ trains having low lights, working in the garden during evening etc. So it is necessary to provide some light to the laptop to operate the keyboard under low light situations.

Luminescence of the keyboard is a desirable feature for portable computers. There may be several methods to illuminate the keyboard, the most crude may be carrying an external light and fixing at a point where it can light the keyboard. But solutions like this are not very convenient. The inventors have been looking for better solutions. This article analyses 6 patents on keyboard illumination.
A good illumination system do not consume more battery, do not increase the size and weight of the laptop, do not increase heat inside the laptop box, and do not cost much to manufacture. The light should uniformly illuminate the whole keyboard and should not throw light on other areas that are not required.

Keywords: TRIZ, Computer Keyboard, Computer Hardware, Hardware Inventions, Patents, Inventive Problem Solving, Keyboard design, Illuminated keyboards, mobile phone keyboards, keyboard light, Keyboard visibility

Inventions on Soft Keyboards

Author: Umakant Mishra
The soft keyboards are onscreen representation of physical keyboard having alphanumeric characters and other controls. The user operates the soft keyboard with the mouse, a stylus or other pointing device. The soft keys don’t have any mechanical component.
The soft keyboards are used in many public places for informational purpose, educational systems and financial transactional systems. A soft keyboard is convenient in some cases where a hard keyboard is difficult to manage. The soft keyboard is a substitute of a physical keyboard and is displayed on the screen. It displays the same type of alphanumeric and control keys like the keys on the actual keyboard.
There are many inventions on a soft keyboard which makes the soft keyboard more efficient and effective. This article illustrates some inventions on soft keyboards from US patent database.

Keywords: TRIZ, Computer Keyboard, Computer Hardware, Hardware Inventions, Patents, Inventive Problem Solving, Keyboard design, Soft keyboards, phone keyboards, tablet keyboards, touch screen keyboards

Inventions on reducing number of keys on a computer keyboard

Author: Umakant Mishra
A computer keyboard consists of several sections and each section consists of several numbers of keys. The text entry section contains the standard character keys, navigation section contains cursor movement and page control keys, numeric keypad contains numeric keys and function keys section contain function keys and special keys. Although the increased number of keys helps smooth interaction with a computer there are situations where it is necessary to reduce the number of keys.
The need for reducing number of keys in a keyboard creates a technical contradiction. Generally more number of keys can support more number of functions and less number of keys can support less number of functions. We need more number of functions (all the functions available in a full size keyboard), but we want only less number of keys (Contradiction). This contradiction has been solved by using multi-stroke mechanism.

There may be different purposes to reduce the number of keys in a keyboard. Some of them intend to reduce the size of the keyboard while some others intend to increase the speed of typing. But all of these inventions use multi-stroke mechanism to generate more number of signals from less number of keys.

Keywords: TRIZ, Computer Keyboard, Computer Hardware, Hardware Inventions, Patents, Inventive Problem Solving, Keyboard design, keyboard extensions, small keyboards, laptop keyboards