Saturday, April 1, 2006

Key Aspects of a Patent - A Review

Author: Hariharan Raviraj

The objective of this article is to highlight the basic structure of a Patent viz. the key elements which constitutes several sections of a written Patent document, provide comprehensive information on patent searches, strategies used for accessing Patent information and the importance of a published Patent.   

Inventions on Menu Interfacing for GUI Applications, A TRIZ based Analysis, Part-3

Author: Umakant Mishra
This article analyses 15 patents on Menu System from a TRIZ perspective to find out their IFRs and Contradictions. The previous two parts of this article analysed ten patents on the menu interfaces. This part analyses five more patents from TRIZ perspective and draws out the conclusion that the TRIZ process and methodology is perfectly applicable to software inventions.

Keywords: TRIZ, Innovation, Inventive Problem Solving, Invention, Software Patents, GUI, Software inventions, Graphical User Interface, GUI design, GUI elements, Menu design

Evaluate Patentability of Your Invention

Author: Umakant Mishra
The patent system is designed to encourage inventions that are useful to society by granting inventors absolute right to make profit from their inventions. While disclosing the invention benefits the society, protecting the invention benefits the inventor. But patents cannot protect each and every person who conceives an invention. While there are some common criteria of accepting an invention for patenting, the laws of patenting differ from country to country to some extent. The concept of patentability is also very vague in some instances of the legal system. Hence it is important to check the patentability of your invention in order to avoid rejection. This article describes the components and mechanism of patentability assessment.

Keywords: Patent law, Patent criteria, patent assessment, patent rejection, patent application, patent searching, International law, Intellectual property, copyright law, patent approval