Monday, May 1, 2006

Essentials of Patentable Invention

Author: Hariharan Raviraj

This article is presented focusing on some of the essential conditions of Patentable Invention. The idea is to enrich the knowledge of young inventors as regards to what are the vital things they should look into in their inventions, before applying for patents. In order to make sure that an invention is patentable, inventors should be aware of the fact that their inventions meet certain prerequisites. Moreover, it would be wise and is advisable to do a self-examination of their inventions whether it qualifies for getting a patent. This will avoid to a great extent disqualification and disappointment at a later stage. This paper is written aimed at fulfilling this objective.  

Can a TRIZ software Help You Inventing?

Author: Umakant Mishra

A software on TRIZ and/or Innovation can certainly supplement human brain and memory in order to speed up an innovation job. There are various TRIZ and Innovation software available in market. Some are too complex to use, some deal with only limited number of TRIZ techniques and some are having good features of innovation without much emphasis on TRIZ. An obvious task remains to evaluate them and find which software can help you best in inventing.

This article does not recommend or reject any TRIZ software per se. It only describes the expected features of a good TRIZ software and lays out the parameters of evaluating TRIZ software. The objective of this article is to help the TRIZ users understand what should they expect from a TRIZ software and how to choose a software that is really useful to solve inventive problems.

Keywords: TRIZ Software, Innovation, Inventive Problem Solving, Invention, Software Patents, Mind mapping, TRIZ tools, Invention Software, Software Evaluation, Automated invention, TRIZ diagrams, Computer based innovation,

Umakant Mishra, Can a TRIZ Software Help You Inventing? (May 1, 2014). Available at SSRN:

Evolution of User Interfaces for the Visually Impaired- Part- 1

Author: Umakant Mishra
Physically or mentally challenged people cannot use a computer in the same way a normal people can. For example, a person with disability in hands cannot use a standard keyboard or mouse efficiently. People having hearing problem, visual challenge etc. cannot interact with a computer like a normal person. So it is necessary to specially design the computers, interfacing devices and software interfaces, which can be used by the physically challenged people.

There are many special devices like mouse, keyboard, pointers, and touch screens etc. to assist the visually challenged users. It is a challenge for the inventors and manufacturers to build such devices. It is difficult for the inventors to visualize the difficulties of a visually impaired person and invent special devices to assist them. Similarly it is challenging for the manufacturers to build these special equipments, as they may not find enough customers for a commercial viability.

This article analyses the types of visual disabilities, different assistive technologies for different visual disabilities, guidelines for developing user interfaces for the visually impaired, software products available for assisting the visually impaired, and Inventions made on such adaptive technologies. The objective is to analyze and explore various assistive technology for the visually impaired users, and throw some light on the scope for future improvements on such interfaces.

Keywords: TRIZ, Innovation, Inventive Problem Solving, Invention, Software Patents, GUI, Software inventions, Graphical User Interface, GUI design, GUI elements, assistive technologies, adaptive interfaces, speech recognition, VRS, Visual disabilities, Karaoke, speech synthesis, Braille,