Friday, September 1, 2006

Inventions on using LDAP for different purposes-Part-3

Author: Umakant Mishra
This article is divided into 3 parts for convenience of size. The first part of the article includes 6 patents using LDAP for “e-commerce” and “Policy Management”. The second part includes 10 patents using LDAP for “Network Management” and “Telecommunications”. The third part of the article includes 11 patents using LDAP for “World Wide Web” and “Java and CORBA”.
This is the third part of the article which analyses patents using LDAP for “World Wide Web” and patents using LDAP for “Java and CORBA”. The objective of this article is to know how is LDAP used for applications in World Wide Web, Java and CORBA. The analysis of patents shows which Inventive Principles have been used to solve those inventions.

Keywords: LDAP directory, Directory Protocol, Inventions, Software Inventions, LDAP inventions, Software Patents, LDAP data access, LDAP data storage, LDAP security, LDAP usage, Data Management, e-commerce, policy management, network policy, network management, telecommunications, world wide web, Java, CORBA

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on using LDAP for different purposes-Part-3, TRIZsite Journal, Sept 2006

Mishra, Umakant, Inventions on Using LDAP for Different Purposes, Part-3 - A TRIZ Based Analysis of US Patents (August 2006). Available at SSRN: or

Inventions on using LDAP for different purposes-Part-2

Author: Umakant Mishra
The objective of this article is to know how is LDAP used for Network Management and Telecommunications. The analysis of patents shows which Inventive Principles have been used to solve those inventions. Unlike other parts of the study which have tried to improve certain aspect of LDAP technology and application, this article includes the inventions that use LDAP for various different purposes.
This article is divided into 3 parts for convenience of size. The first part of the article includes 6 patents using LDAP for “e-commerce” and “Policy Management”. The second part includes 10 patents using LDAP for “Network Management” and “Telecommunications”. The third part of the article includes 11 patents using LDAP for “World Wide Web” and “Java and CORBA”. This is the second part of the article which analyses patents using LDAP for “Network Management” and patents using LDAP for “Telecommunications”.
Keywords: LDAP directory, Directory Protocol, Inventions, Software Inventions, LDAP inventions, Software Patents, LDAP data access, LDAP data storage, LDAP security, LDAP usage, Data Management, e-commerce, policy management, network policy, network management, telecommunications, world wide web, Java, CORBA

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on using LDAP for Different Purposes (Part-2) - A TRIZ Based Analysis of US Patents (August 2006). Available at SSRN: or

Inventions on using LDAP for different purposes-Part-1

Author: Umakant Mishra
The objective of this article is to know how is LDAP used for applications in e-commerce and Policy Management. The analysis of patents shows which Inventive Principles have been used to solve those inventions. Unlike other parts of the study which have tried to improve certain aspect of LDAP technology and application, this article includes the inventions that use LDAP for various different purposes.
This article is divided into 3 parts for convenience of size. The first part of the article includes 6 patents using LDAP for “e-commerce” and “Policy Management”. The second part includes 10 patents using LDAP for “Network Management” and “Telecommunications”. The third part of the article includes 11 patents using LDAP for “World Wide Web” and “Java and CORBA”. This is the first part of the article which analyses patents using LDAP for "e-commerce” and patents using LDAP for “Policy Management”.
Keywords: LDAP directory, Directory Protocol, Inventions, Software Inventions, LDAP inventions, Software Patents, LDAP data access, LDAP data storage, LDAP security, LDAP usage, Data Management, e-commerce, policy management, network policy, network management, telecommunications, world wide web, Java, CORBA

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on using LDAP for Different Purposes, Part-1 - A TRIZ Based Analysis of US Patents (August 2006). Available at SSRN: or

Inventions on Integrating LDAP with other directories- A TRIZ based analysis

Author: Umakant Mishra
Thus the LDAP architecture allows multiple LDAP servers work together on the same directory tree or multiple directory trees. Besides, LDAP being built on an open architecture, it is quite possible to integrate with other directory servers. LDAP can be mapped onto any other directory system so long as the X.500 data and service model as used in LDAP is not violated in LDAP interface.
LDAP server may store data in a Flat file, in RDBMS or in any other database. The LDAP client applications can use LDAP directory interface without having knowledge on the underlying data storage mechanism.
However, there are some issues and concerns in integrating multiple LDAP servers or Integrating LDAP directories with other directories. Different directories may use different schema for their directory objects. It is not possible to integrating database of one schema directly with database having another schema.
This article is a TRIZ based study of patents on integrating Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) with other directories. The objective of this article is to find the major concerns in integrating LDAP with other directories, find the IFR and trends of evolution in LDAP integration and predict the future lines of inventions on integrating LDAP with other directories.
Keywords: LDAP directory, Directory Protocol, Inventions, Software Inventions, LDAP inventions, Software Patents, LDAP data access, LDAP data storage, Data Protection, Data Management, LDAP administration, LDAP Integration

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on Integrating LDAP with Other Directories - A TRIZ Based Analysis of US Patents (August 2006). Available at SSRN: or

Inventions on Extending LDAP functionality- A TRIZ based Analysis

Author: Umakant Mishra
The LDAP server stores the directory information in a database. The client makes a TCP/IP connection and sends requests to an LDAP server. The LDAP server executes the client requests and returns a response to the client. LDAP offers nine basic functional operations, viz., add, delete, modify, bind, unbind, search, compare, and modify distinguished name and abandon.
Apart from the above basic operations, LDAP v3 includes new mechanism called Extended Operations, which allows additional operations to be defined for services not available in this protocol, for instance digitally signed operations and results. Using this feature it is possible to provide new operations and extend the functionality of existing operations.
The extended operation allows clients to make requests and receive responses with predefined syntaxes and semantics. These may be defined in RFCs or be private to particular implementations. Each request must have a unique object identifier assigned to it (RFC 2251, The server will respond to this with a message called ExtendedResponse. If the server does not recognize the request name, it will return an error.
This article analyzes patents on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Extended Functionality. The objective of this article is to find out what are the major concerns in LDAP Extended functionality, what inventions have already been made and which areas are lying unexplored.
Keywords: LDAP directory, Directory Protocol, Inventions, Software Inventions, LDAP inventions, Software Patents, LDAP data access, LDAP data storage,  Data Protection, LDAP usage, LDAP functionality

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on Extending LDAP functionality- A TRIZ based Analysis, TRIZsite Journal, Sept 2006

Umakant Mishra, Inventions on Extending LDAP Functionality - A TRIZ Based Analysis (August 2006). Available at SSRN: or