Author: Umakant Mishra
The TRIZ concept of using Resources is very powerful in
solving many kinds of problems. According to this concept, there are a large
number of and large varieties of free resources around us, which can be
utilized for great solutions. The resources can be Substances, Energy
resources, Information Resources, Environmental, Human or anything that is
available within the access of a system. However, in the current age of money
driven perception, sometimes we don’t recognize or don’t care to explore or
don’t feel confident of utilizing such resources.
There are many free resources around us. While talking about
Internet, the Internet itself is a (almost) free resource- the largest
information resource that the history has ever seen. Apart from free
information on the World Wide Web, it also provides various other resources,
such as, free resources to build your own websites. Some of the resources worth
mentioning are free domain names, free hosting servers, free content management
systems and so on.
This article talks about the free domain name as a potential
Resource to build websites. However, a free resource may not always be useful.
For example, migrating from an old established domain to a free domain may not
be advisable just because the domain name is free. One has to weigh the pros
and cons of various aspects to take such a decision. The article narrates real
life experience on different case studies demonstrating good decisions and bad
decisions of using free domains.
Keywords: Innovation, Invention, TRIZ, problem
solving, free domain, free server, free resources, free websites,
Umakant Mishra, Using Free Domains- A case Study of using
TRIZ Resources, TRIZsite Journal, Dec 2011
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